Friday, March 31, 2006

Back it up !

Today I found 2 tools which help in backing up your data at the expense of Gmail !. One shows the gmail as a drive in windows explorer, the other shows the gmail as a ftp host ! Read on for more info .... GSpace This extension allows you to use your Gmail Space (2 GB) for file storage. It acts as a remote machine. You can transfer files between your hard drive and gmail. This extension allows you to use your Gmail Space (2 GB) for file storage. It acts as a remote a FTP host and you can upload and download your files. You can downloaded the firefox extension from Gmail Drive GMail Drive is a Shell Namespace Extension that creates a virtual filesystem around your Google Gmail account, allowing you to use Gmail as a storage medium.

GMail Drive creates a virtual filesystem on top of your Google Gmail account and enables you to save and retrieve files stored on your Gmail account directly from inside Windows Explorer. GMail Drive literally adds a new drive to your computer under the My Computer folder, where you can create new folders, copy and drag'n'drop files. However there is a disclaimer saying that google can block its use at any time.

After you upload, the files land in your mailbox as a mail from yourself (sender is 'me'). Create a label say 'backup' and create a rule to label and archive such messages automatically :-). I found the first one easy to use and no "disclaimer" like GDrive. Please note that in both the tools you might get error initially while logging in. Try again and you are logged in successfully ! And those who don't have a gmail id , let me know, I have a "few" invites left !

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Some more googl photos

Found some more google photos Check out...


I discovered few months back that you could type in a stock "code" in google search it shows up with the latest stock quote as the first search result. For e.g. If you search GOOG in google, the first result will be the stock quote of Google !. It also sets up link to Yahoo finance, MSN money control etc. Last week, google added its own finance portal It gives you the latest news and how each news item affected the stock price. And there are other standard sections such as company summary, company facts, financials etc. The management section is interesting, it has links from which you can check up their compensation and the trading activities. I began to think that if Google is listed in Nasdaq, it should have a corporate portal which should provide information to the investors as well !. When you go to there is no link for the corporate site !! Finally I searched in google iteself for the corportate web site and it gave me : The information here is again typical google style. The milestones section was pretty interesting. Do read it completely !
I searched for some nice company pictures and found none. Again I used google search to find some googleplex pictures. I found a lot of picutres..embeeded a few down here:

Thursday, March 23, 2006

All about positioning !

For those who dont know, I commute to my office at ITPL by bus :-(. However I should accept that it has been a fine ride till now. The ride is more than "fine" if you get a "comfortable" place to sit.This comfort is dictated by your neighbour,I mean the person sitting next to you in the bus. Of course, the size of your neighbour does make a lot of difference, but there are few guys(even skinny ones) who just think that they have come from some other planet ! Some guys just spread their legs and have no care in the world.Some of them even use your leg as a resting place. This is no way a new experience to me. I travelled by bus for 4 years during engineering and had similar problems even then. The way it was dealt at that time was either through a warning tone or a humble request and when both didn't had to resort to physical force. (I am sure our mysore group has some valuable comments on this :-)) Anyway I am going to deviate from this and explain how I take my position in the ITPL bus while coming back home. Most of the ITPL buses are 3+2 seat type. My algorithm for a "comfortable" place is this:

Status main(Bus b)
Status twoSeatStat,threeSeatStat;
/* Search for 2 seaters first */
if((twoSeatStat = search2Seater()) == FAILURE)
Status threeSeatStat = search3Seater()    ;
return twoSeatStat;

/* check the status of 3 seater search */
if(threeSeatStat == FALIURE)
/* go on searching the next bus..hmm might cause a stack overflow */
return main(NextBus)
return threeSeatStat;

Status search2Seater()

for(every 2 seater in the bus)
  if (both seats empty)
      /* aisle is definitely not recommended, since you cant predict
who your neighbour is going to be */
      occupy the window place;
      pray for a skinny guy/gal:-) to sit next to you;
              return LUCKYDAY;
 /* haha my wife is going to kill me seeing this scenario
 and return value */                                                              
      else if(guy)
          return HMMMBADLUCK;
/* wondering why this check.. see the next return statement */
          return GODSAVEME;
  else /* not skinny */
      if (gal)
      return GODSAVEMEAGAIN;  

} /* no 2 seater with both seats empty :-( */
if(single seat is available)
  /* this is definitely subjective */
  if( checksize(neighbour)!= too much)
  sit next to him/her;

/*no 2 seater , guess need to search in a 3 seater*/
return FAILURE;

Status search3seater()
for(each 3 seater)
/* I am already exhausted writing up to i am keeping the flow SIMPLE :-) */
if(all 3 empty)
occupy the window seat;
pray for skinny neighbourS;
/* assuming the guy/gal is sitting in one corner */
if(only 1 is occupied)
occupy whichever corner seat is available;
pray for a skinny guy/gal for the middle seat
/* man! left with the last option before searching the next bus */
if(corner seat available)
  go grab it;
if(middle seat available)
if(both sides gal)
    return AIN'TILUCKY;
if(one side guy and one side gal)
if(both sides guy)
 if(checksize(neighbourS) != too much)
   grab that place;

/* return FAILURE so that I go search in the next bus */
return FAILURE;
I am definitely not expecting any bug related comments in the above logic, I used the above approach, because it saves me the time of typing the scenario in detail.... I am sure other people's logic in a similar situation will be different and the return STATUS will definitely be different ... do post ur logic and your "STATUS" values in the comments section...will be interesting to see how the other minds handle the same situation. And somehow I am still not convinced with the title of the blog .. Please do suggest some nice titles also :)

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Jana Change Keltha Idhare !

Made some changes to my blog..
  • Picked up some nice template from blogger templates (which also is a blogspot !) .. made some changes to the template. Expecting your valuable comments on the template.
  • Added a nice SMILING photo :D
  • Also based on feedback from the few readers of my blog, have decided to write on topics NOT related to computers :-)
  • Also added a hit counter.. to check the popularity of this blog